Tuesday, 30 December 2014

10 Things to Know Before Outsourcing Your Dream Project

Image courtesy-blog.triphp.com

Outsourcing has become extremely popular with the IT function of larger businesses, due to the high acquisition costs of computer hardware and software, coupled with the high management costs of employing support staff.

IT services outsourcing are reinforced by a long-term service level agreement (SLA), which defines every aspect of service delivery, including call to fix response times, hardware infrastructure provided and supported, asset utilization and responsibilities of the client. 10 ways to choose your best outsourcing partner are-

1. Communication, Everything is in Communication

Cultural differences apart, the strength and effectiveness of communication channels employed by a company speaks for itself while you take stock on the expectations Vs delivered. It would be a good idea to see what kind of systems the company has employed to enable efficient communication with their customers.

Things to look for would be online communication and collaboration systems. Some examples would be basecamp, online conferencing solutions, centralized project commit space and a smooth execution of the same while interaction with you as a customer. Look for openness in communication.

The amount of transparency seen at the communication channels also shows a strong process oriented service delivery as well as it shows the strength of communication abilities of the team members. This results in better understanding of the project and gives more time to do the right things.

Also, when dealing with an outsourcing company, the language of choice must be addressed upfront. It is crucial to effectively and clearly communicate the scope and direction of the task/project to a contractor, and this is especially true if you are working with someone for whom your language is not his or her native tongue.

Communicating using several channels is advised. This way you can determine ability to communicate both verbally and in writing. Additionally, I recommend requesting an email or phone conversation in which they repeat back to you what you conveyed to them about the project/task to make sure nothing was lost in the translation and they grasp the assignment.

2. Exposure to country specific work/business culture

I strongly feel that as business continues to expand globally across communities, cultures and countries and brings different people closer, it is absolutely necessary for people to understand, appreciate and respect the religious and cultural differences existing between the two business communities.

Understanding the business culture of the country and then learning the skills of proper etiquette, manners and inter cultural communication is a must for industries functioning internationally. Years of exposure with international customers and face to face interaction are very important for both the businesses to sustain the work and deliver with utmost satisfaction to both business parties.

Many vendors put employees through tough training schedule. In addition, cultural differences include religions, modes of dress, social activities, and even the way a question is answered. Most offshore companies have cultural education programs, but executives should not assume that cultural alignment will be insignificant or trivial. Because, such kind of training helps to maintain good relationship with clients.

3. Taking Ownership of the projects and past   experience

When I speak about Ownership, I am basically talking about a company’s ability to convert a problem into a solution. To get a trusted partner who you can outsource your IT requirements is a humongous task, and, knowing about the company’s background and the level of ownership that they put into each and every project they handle can be an important criteria of judging their capability.  Read More...

Source: CodeWebber

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