The ‘View’ of Magento’s MVC pattern implementation is divided in two parts: Layout and Template.
The template represents a HTML block while layout defines the location
of the block on a web page. Magento provides ultimate flexibility and
re-usability of design by layouts defined in XML.
is the tool with which you can assign content blocks to each structural
block you create. Magento’s layout files are in the form of XML
text-files and by modifying the layout you are able to move blocks
around in a page and assign templates to the content blocks to produce
markup for the structural blocks. In fact, with the help of a few layout
files alone, you are able to modify the visual layout of every page in
your store.
How Layout Works
is comprised of default layout and layout updates that are made up of
easy-to-learn XML tags. With these layout commands, you can
modify/assign content block-structural block
relationships and also control store-front functionalities such as
loading and unloading of block-specific Javascripts to a page.
Layout files are separated on a per-module basis, every module bringing with it its own layout file (for instance ‘catalog.xml‘ is a layout file for the catalog module, ‘customer.xml’ is for the customer module…etc).
These layout files are located in app/design/frontend/your_interface/your_theme/layout/
and each file is further separated by handles, each handle (with the
exception of <default>) assigning its nested updates to the
according specific page in the store.
Some layout files may contain the <default>
handle. When parsing the layout files, Magento first grabs the layout
updates assigned in the <default> handle of almost all layout
files, reading them in the order as assigned in app/etc/modules/Mage_All.xml.
then parses the page-specific layout update, finalizing the building of
a store page. The system is built this way in order to allow seamless
addition and removal of modules without effecting other modules in the
Layout XML
Layout XML files can be found in app/design/frontend/[package]/[theme]/layout. Each Magento module may define its own layout XML file in the config.xml file.
Each layout XML file represents its own design update. For example, catalog navigation is part of the Mage_Catalog module and Mage_Catalog module defines a layout update file: catalog.xml. So the block for the catalog navigation and its location on the page is defined in catalog.xml.
the page is rendered, Magento loads all configured layout update files
and its design updates to determine which block is to be rendered at
which location.
Layout Handles
First level child elements of the
node are called layout handles. Each layout handle represents an update
to the page layout. It may define new blocks to be included in a page
at a specific location or remove a specific block from the page. It may
also define the modifications in existing blocks already included in the
page by other layout XML files.
Magento loads all layout XML files, it determines which layout handles
need to be processed. Normally, the layout handle is selected based on
the controller action being executed. In most cases, Magento loads the
layout handle with name:
For example, when the contact us page is requested, then
action of index
controller of Mage_Contacts
is executed. Module front name of Mage_Contacts
is contacts
. So the layout handle to be processed for the contact us page is contacts_index_index
any page, Magento always processes the default layout handle. So the
updates defined in default handle are processed for every page
regardless of which part of the site we are browsing.
Source: CodeWebber
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